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Showing posts with the label Environmental-Friendly-Business-Ideas
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High Pofitable Business Idea - Exotic Vegetables Business - Ooty Vegetables Business Idea

Vegetables as Primary Eatable Vegetables are consumed by humans and animals widely depending on the region where they’re located. Most of the vegetables and fruits are transported across several borders from the farmland to supply the consumers spread in various regions. However, there’s always a demand for certain types of vegetables, irrespective of the place they come from. [ Also Read Buy Back Business Idea - Company Contract - No Investment ] Vegetables that are primary for the nutrition of the human are suggested by most of the dietitians based on the current lifestyle of the people. Whereas the demand versus the supply makes them a highly profitable trading business from the place it is cultivated to the markets where they’re in demand. Exotic Vegetables Exotic Vegetables are the one that are predominantly brought from a specific region, either abroad or the far away places where the climatic and the soil conditions are favourable for their cultivation. Tamil Nadu, being a majo

Thai Guava a Profitable Farming Business - Namum Business Seiyalaam - Small Business Ideas

Nutritional Guavas Guavas are fruits rich in vitamins, fibre, lycopene, folate and essential minerals. It helps in reducing the risk of diabetes, regulates blood pressure and helps in improving eye health. There are multiple varieties of Guavas produced and marketed across the regions depending on their specific cultivation methods and demand in the market. [ Also Read:  Amazon Delivery Partner Business Idea ] Thai Guava Thai Guava is an innovative variety, developed by a private research organisation in the horticulture sector. Perhaps, it’s the biggest variety which is unique in all aspects. Thai Guavas have a mild, subtle sour and sweet taste for fresh and cooked preparations. Mostly these fruits are consumed fresh as a snack with few other spicy ingredients while they’re crunchy and firm. Thai Guavas can also be used in cooking preparations that are sweet and savoury. Origin of Thai Guava Thai Guavas are a type of white guava that descended from the wild varieties native to South

Start Profitable Turkey Farming - Namum Business Seiyalaam - Small Business Ideas

 How to Start Profitable Turkey Farming Turkey farming is a viable alternate to chicken farming. In India, commercial turkey farming is increasingly popular .Mainly it depends on meat, eggs as well as growing as a pet. Turkey will produce a lot of meat and it's very good business to earn a high profit. Compared to the broiler chickens and pig, they develop quickly and are ready for slaughter sooner. The weather conditions in India are very suitable for growing turkeys commercially .If we maintain good care and management, we can achieve success in turkey farming. Breed Selection There are 4 types of breeds available in commercial turkey farming. Turkeys can be produced as commercial meat in India. Some of the best breeds are Broad Breasted Bronze, Beltsville Small White - Egg production, Nandanam Turkey-1 variety is a cross between the black desi variety and the exotic Beltsville small white variety and Broad Breasted White are well suited for tamilnadu climatic co

Buy Back Business Idea - Company Contract - Advance Payment - No Investment - Medicinal Coleus Farm Business

Innovative Farm Business Plants and Herbs are always appreciated for their health benefits besides serving the primary purpose of being food for the animals and human beings since the inception of life in the universe.  As the advancement in agriculture and medical science witnessed a collaboration of various techniques and methods to assist one with another, there are so many vegetations that are brought into limelight as a result. Few of those vegetables are Vanilla, Aloevera, Betel Leaves, Cherry Tomatoes, Miyazaki Mangoes and so on. The one we’re going to discuss on the post is Medicinal Coleus, which has a huge market potential due to their health benefits and international demand. Medicinal Coleus The Coleus has been cultivated for several years, however there’s no evidence on their origin of plantation. Some of the popular varieties in them are Maimul, Manganiperu and Garmai. Cultivation Coleus grows in a tropical and subtropical region with an optimu