Home Based Business Idea - Earn without any effort - Stay Home and Earn Hassle Free - White Label ATMs - Small Business Ideas - ATM Roll
Cash and Commerce
Over the period of Human development, the activity of commerce has played a vital role due to the significance of the goods and services that are essential for survival. [Also See: Stay Cleanand Stay Safe – Home Sanitisation Business Idea]
Although the evolution has brought in various amendments on these transactions such as Cash, Currencies, Coins, Valuables, Metals, Banks, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Loans, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Reserve Bank, Financial Institutions and so on, the actual root of commerce is all same. [Also Read: No Loss Highly Profitable Country Chicken Business Idea]
One part of development that witnessed the huge surge and thereby making remarkable progress on the financial development is Cash or Currencies. These currencies have made a tremendous change in the way the trade and commerce has been in to practise. [Also Read: Best in Industry Great Business Opportunity with JioMart]
The change which made the ultimate birth of Commodity Trading, Forex Trading, International Currencies Values, Globalisation, Open Market, Free Trade Practise, Exports, Imports and perhaps, has made every single monetary analysis made during the contemporary period in the financial sector. [Also See: Lockdown Business Idea, Home Based Printable Face Mask]
Currencies in the Financial Market
The need for currencies is obvious since it is a primary factor that impacts the commerce practise as mentioned, and makes the completion of any transaction only after it is paid against the value of the product. Thus, the merit of currencies in the international market is used as a primary factor for gauging a country’s economic performance. [Also Check: Buy Back Business Idea, Hot New Chicken Farm Business]
Besides, the foreign exchange value of a nation is based on the amount of other country’s currency it possesses. Apparently, the valuation makes the understanding of the significance of the currency in the economy and commerce practise. [Also Know: How to Register Paytm Seller Account– Step by Step Process]
Therefore, the need for these currencies in the routine life is quite essential and almost the base for the existence. Albeit the Banking and other sectors make constant effort in providing liquid cash availability at the feasible point for the end population, there is always a wide range of circles which would surpass the perimeter. [Also See: Manufacturing Business Idea, Low Investment LED Business]
On the other hand, the diameter of region coverage made by these institutions are not sufficient and quite effective enough since the resources are not quite sumptuous in most of the cases to cater every corner.
Thus, comes the need for another player to make the reach to the remote and un reached portion of the population. And it's evident that this makes an opportunity for a new business idea for the aspiring entrepreneurs. How much ever the scale of enterprise, the participation is from the top to bottom with various ranges of entrepreneurs at each level makes a possible way for each one of them to join hands to complete the spread throughout. [Check out: How to get your Business Partnered with Swiggy, eCommerce Business Idea]
ATM - Automatic Teller Machine and
White Label ATM
An ATM is a Computerised Machine operated at a specific point where the customers of the banks can access their account either through a plastic card called ATM Card or through the account details to perform Cash withdraw or Deposit and or any other financial and non-financial transactions without the need to visit the bank’s branch. [Check on, how to make 200% profit with Kids Toys – A Best Business Idea]
Thus, makes it a feasible option for a customer to perform the banking activity with the nearby ATM Spot, instead of going to a branch physically all along. The ATMs are the machines operated by the banks themselves for their own customers and often extending the support for the customers of other banks as well. [Know on How to register Flipkart Seller Account – Step by Step Process]
On the other hand, the While Label ATMs are the automated machines setup, owned and operated by a non-banking enterprise with an authorisation from RBI (Reserve Bank of India) under the Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
These White Label ATMs are as same as the regular ATMs for the end customer to obtain the services irrespective of their banking accounts with any of the banks. This option enables the spread of banking services with enhanced customer services across many geographical regions, especially in Semi Urban and Rural Areas. [Check out the Home-Based Business Idea for Women, Himalayan Pink Rock Salt Business]
Facilities and Services at WLAs
The White Label ATMs in general, may offer similar services as a regular Bank ATM. Besides the cash dispense they may include the Account Information, Cash Deposit, Regular Bill Payments, Mini Account Statements, ATM PIN Change, Request for Cheque Book and so on. [Also Read: Best Business Idea, Direct Packing Company Supply – Packing Tapes]
Nevertheless, the same ATM Card or ATM cum Debit Card, Credit Card and Prepaid Card as permitted by the issues can be used in the WLAs for these transactions. On top of these, the card less transaction has also been enabled by RBI on these ATMs for withdrawal of cash. [Know about the on-demand Business Idea – Highly Profitable Garden Seeds Trade]
As a conclusion this WLAs has made the possibilities for several non-banking operators to get into the financial banking business and in alliance with the small players from the service personnel to the place lender and facilitators to get an option of self-employment. [Also Read: A Healthy Protein Rich Food Business Idea, Roasted Chickpeas]
One such concept is being narrated in detail with the major and trusted players operating models and profit projections, in the below video. Do check on the same and continue further beneath for the details on those players and their key operating points. [Read: Energy Efficient Business Idea, the hottest new business Cool Roofs]
White Label ATM Operators
There are almost many White Label ATM Operators authorised by the RBI and are operated successfully across various cities and regions all over the country. Among them few of the well-known players are listed below along with their entity details and application form link to share the details of the location for the ATM. [Know about the Small Business Idea, Cleanliness based Chlorine Bleach Powder Business]
- IndiCash ATM
Communications Payment Solutions Ltd
- India 1 ATM
Payments Pvt Ltd
- Muthoot ATM Division
Muthoot Finance Ltd
- Hitachi Money Spot ATM
Hitachi Payment Services Pvt
- SBI - State Bank Of India
The concept and the references are posted for the benefit of the aspiring entrepreneurs, to achieve the benefit of being self-sustained. Hence use the concept and the contact wisely, and perhaps you can always explore your own horizon to reach the greater heights, since these are for the reference and presentation purpose. [Read on a Hot New Business Idea, Wholesale Crushed Ice and Ice Slab Business]
ATM Roll Manufacturing Business
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